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The Top 5 Contract Management Blogs of 2016

Perhaps it is a bit odd to blog about blogs, but contract management is strong and growing and the many quality blogs addressing this particular area of business operations are ample proof of that. Countless companies across virtually all sectors engage in contracting in some form or fashion, with some industries churning out a high volume of contracts on a regular basis. There are many nuances to contracting and contract management that affect manufacturing to technology and everything in between. For contract management professionals seeking to learn, share, or simply remain abreast of relevant contracting news, here are some of the top contract management blogs that are worth checking out:

National Contract Management Association

The name of this association is fairly self-explanatory, and it clearly asserts that its goal is to provide a neutral forum for contract management professionals to exchange ideas and information. Its website has a ton of information and resources, with links to relevant news, legislative alerts, a magazine, and other publications. Of course, it also has its own blog, which has postings covering all sorts of contract management-related topics.

International Association for Contract & Commercial Management Commitment Matters

This association is pretty well regarded as a leader in the contract management space. It has an incredibly useful website offering its members access to a huge library of resources, trainings and certifications, networking opportunities, job postings and so much more. Of course, for an association committed to supporting contract management professionals across the globe, it also offers a fantastic blog called Commitment Matters with useful postings written to help contract management professionals to achieve their contracting goals.

Procurement Leaders

There is no doubt that a huge facet of contracting involves procurement. As a result, there are a ton of websites, associations, and of course blogs, devoted to this particular aspect of the contract management process. Procurement Leaders is an organization that offers services and information to procurement professionals and other supply chain executives to help companies obtain maximal value and attain operational efficiency. Its blog provides a ton of great information regarding many pertinent procurement topics, but it delves into other contracting matters as well.


As just mentioned, procurement plays an unbelievably important role for many of the contracts that are negotiated and drafted. Procurious recognizes the global importance of procurement and has created this online network to connect procurement and supply chain individuals from around the world. In addition to news, advice, professional development, and networking options, it has an informative blog addressing all things procurement.


This surely seems a bit biased, but ContractWorks contract lifecycle management software prides itself on providing a blog with robust and relevant contract management content. Given that contract management touches a number of sectors, ContractWorks strives to deliver content that covers general topics that any professional will find useful, as well as more discrete subjects for specific industries.

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