If you are currently keeping track of certain metadata for your contracts, you can import this data into ContractWorks and automatically “tag” the documents with relevant data fields.
Here are a few steps and best practices to keep in mind as you go through this process:
1. Prepare the environment in ContractWorks
- Upload all the documents that you would need to add tags for into ContractWorks document repository
→ Watch this video tutorial on how to upload documents into CW
- Create the tags and templates as needed for your documents
→ Watch this video tutorial on how to create tags and templates
→ Keep in mind: the tag types you are creating must match exactly with the format in the spreadsheet. For example, a “Start Date” must be a date type tag. The date sequence also needs to match e.g. MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
2. Prepare the spreadsheet with the right information
- Download the template spreadsheet from ContractWorks
- Best practice is to create separate templates → can use clone templates
- Copy over the relevant fields from your spreadsheet into the ContractWorks template spreadsheet
- Best practice: If you have a large dataset, test using 5 rows/documents.
- Review the spreadsheet and ask:
- Do the document names in your spreadsheet match exactly with the document names in the ContractWorks repository?
- Do the field types in your spreadsheet match the tag types in the relevant ContractWorks template?
3. Upload the completed spreadsheet with relevant tags into ContractWorks
- Troubleshoot common error codes
- Verify that the documents are tagged correctly - tag types/field types