How Tag Type Affects Reporting

Using the appropriate tag type while building out your tag fields can help optimize the reporting functionality in the system. When reporting, each tag type will bring up unique filtering options. Here we have listed what each tag type will look like


  • Date: select a date or date range to search across. Any option with ‘ …’ will prompt you for a custom date or date range.

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  • Number: Select greater than, less than, or equal to an entered amount.

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  • Percent: Select greater than, less than, or equal to an entered amount.

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  • Yes/ No: Simply a yes/no dropdown.

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  • Duration: Select greater than, less than, or equal to a number of days/months/years.

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  • Year: Select greater than, less than, or equal to a year.



  • Text: Enter in text. If the tag contains this text language the document will appear in the report.

Notes Text tag


  • Dropdown: A user will only be able to select one of the dropdown options.

Dropdown tag filter [ex: departments]