Recovering a Deleted Document


When a document is deleted from the active repository, the document will reside in a soft delete state within the trash bin. A user can recover a document or folder to bring back into the system during this time. Only administrators can permanently delete documents out of the system, at which time the documents cannot be recovered. 





Step 1: Click into the trash bin at the bottom left corner of the document repository

Trash Bin

Step 2: Find the document you wish to bring back into the active repository

Find document


Step 3: Move the document from the trash bin into a folder in the structure to the left and release the document or click the ‘Move To’ action in the Actions bar.


Option 1:

Move by dragging

Option 2:

Move To

Step 4: The document should now exist back in the repository. If the document was previously tagged or electronically signed, those will also pull back into the account

Doc in repository