Custom Signature Fields

In ContractWorks, the system provides standard fields you can select for a signer to fill in. If you would like your signer to fill in any other information, you can customize fields, which will then be trackable once the contract is signed.

Step 1: The custom field must exist as a tag. If the field does not exist as a tag, if you are an administrator create a new tag, or if not, ask an administrator to create the tag for you. 

Step 2

Option 1: On the document you are applying custom signature fields for, you must first bring in the tag to the tag section. Click into the tag section of the document, and enter in a tag template, or the fields you need signed from the ‘select an existing tag’ dropdown.

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Option 2: Click into the packet builder and when creating a new packet you are able to edit the tags on Step 1.

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Step 3: Save the tag section once all fields have been brought in.

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Step 4: Click Next to Step 2 to enter your signer information and then continue to Step 3 to enter your signature fields.

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Step 5: As you are entering in your signer fields, you will notice a tag icon at the end of your options. Click on this tag to bring in your custom field(s).

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Step 6: Select the correct field you would like your signer to fill in. Note, you can only fill out a custom tag once on the document. Once used, the tag cannot be used again.

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Step 7: Continue to send the document. The signer should now be responsible for filling out the value(s) on your customized tag(s).

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