Comprehensive Reporting Guide

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to apply tag filters and columns to get the reports and information you need from your contracts and e-signature packets.

Common Reports:

These are the reports that are used by majority of ContractWorks clients and are extremely useful in keeping track of your contracts, renewals and expiration dates.

  1. Reports Based on the End Date Tag Filter
    1. Narrow down your search in the 'Filters' section and select + Add

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    1. There are multiple different time ranges that will allow you to create a wide-variety of reports on both Active, Expiring and/or Already Expired Contracts.
    2. Track Upcoming End/Expiration Dates 
      1. Use the "In the Next..." option in the dropdown menu of the End Date Tag Filter
        1. When using "In the Next...", this will create a report that will always look ahead every X number of days. Once Saved in Contractworks this report will live as a Live report and update based on the criteria it was saved under. 
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.18.48 PM
    3. Audit Expired Contracts 
      1. Use either the "In the Last..." option in the dropdown menu of the End Date Tag Filter
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.19.41 PM
      2. Or the "Older than..." option in the dropdown menu of the End Date Tag Filter
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.20.37 PM
      3. Or the "Between..." option in the dropdown menu of the End Date Tag Filter.
        1. This will prompt you to create a report/search to look for contracts ending between two different dates
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.21.08 PM
      4. Or the "Before..." option in the dropdown menu of the End Date Filter.
        1. This will prompt you to create a report/search to look for contracts ending before a specific date
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.21.34 PM
    4. Quarterly Reports
    5. Contracts ending This Quarter, Next Quarter, or Last Quarter
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.23.31 PM
  1. Reports Based on the Contract Type
    1. Use the "Template"  Filter and select the type of contract you want to look for
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.24.57 PM
      2. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.25.07 PM
  1. Combine Filters to Create a More Specific Report
    1. To look at Customer Contracts Ending in the Next 90 Days by adding the following filters
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.26.38 PM
      2. Which creates a report that looks like..
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.28.06 PM
  2. Contract Auditing Reports
    1. Audit Active Contract
      1. You can either use the 'Active?' filter and select either Yes or No
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.31.58 PM
      2. OR apply 'Active?' as a column to view the status on all contracts to see whether they have been tagged or not. This will create a report to allow you to audit contracts that have not been tagged at all with this specific tag.
        1. Click  'Columns'
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.32.30 PM
        2. Add the 'Active?' tag as a Column and hit Apply
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.33.10 PM
          2. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.33.44 PM
          3. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.34.16 PM
        3. Click the Name/Header of the Active Column to sort the report further 
    2. Audit Contracts based on the Uploaded Date tag
      1. Ex: Contracts Uploaded in the Last Week
        1. Filter Selections/Set-Up
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.36.12 PM
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.36.59 PM
        1. Report Result
          1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.37.42 PM
    1. Audit Contracts based on Contract Owner
      1. Filter Selections/Set-Up
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.38.22 PM
      2. Report Result
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.39.06 PM
  1. Reports Based on the E-Signature Packets
    1. These filters will be found under System filters
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.39.55 PM
    2. Use these filters for the following reports...
      1. Packet Created Date
        • Create a report to look for all signature packets created within a specific time frame (i.e. this month/quarter, in the past, etc.)
      2. Packet Finalized Date
        • Create a report to look for all packets finalized within a specific time frame (i.e. this month/quarter, in the past, etc.)
      3. Packet Name
        • Match your report search to a specific Esignature packet name
      4. Packet Originator
        • Create a report to audit individuals who have sent out Esignature packets and information on those packets
      5. Packet Status
        • Create an audit report to see which Esignature packets are Out for Signature, Finalized, and/or Cancelled
    3. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.41.48 PM
    4. Example Report: Esign Packets Finalized in the Last Month (Audit Report)
      1. Filter Selections/Set-Up
      2. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.43.30 PM
  1.  Specific Parties/Counter-parties Report
    1. Select the Parties filter
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.45.14 PM
      2. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.45.58 PM
    2. If you apply the filter you will initially see all contracts with the Parties tag applied...
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.46.48 PM
    3. Search for a Specific Party/Counterparty by typing in their name into the Match All Of box in the filter tag
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.47.28 PM
    4. Which will create a report like...
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.47.36 PM
  2. Clause Tracking Reports
    1. Search for any clauses by doing a keyword search in the “Document Contents” filter. This will look for all contracts with that specific clause or language.
      1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.48.21 PM
    2. Examples of Clause Reports to create are:
      1. Confidentiality
      2. Force Majeure
      3. Governing Law
      4. Jurisdiction
      5. Indemnification
      6. Limitations on Liability
      7. Limitations on Warranty
      8. Liquidated Damages
      9. Waiver
      10. Sunset Clause
      11. Arbitration Clause
      12. Termination Clause
    3. Example: Force Majeure Report
      1. Filter Selection (using Document Details)
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.50.39 PM
      2. Report Result
        1. Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 4.50.23 PM
        2. Want to take a quick view of that language in the contract?
          1. Click the arrow to the left of the document name to see the OCR/Keyword search in the individual contract
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